By: Brew Your Bucha Posted: October 16, 2019 in Kombucha

Whenever you browse your local supermarket, you will eventually find a section packed full of different Kombucha brands. It's clear that Kombucha has gone mainstream, and almost every major retailer has at least one or two brands of Kombucha available. This has made Kombucha more accessible to everyone and anyone interested in enjoying the healthy, fizzy beverage.

Some have taken this to a new level and are drinking Kombucha daily. While this is great for one's gut health, it also brings a host of questions, including many who wonder if drinking Kombucha daily brings about any negative health effects. If you've ever wondered these questions, or are just wondering about them now, stick around and learn about the positives and negatives of drinking Kombucha daily.

Probiotics Help Digestion

First, let's start with the main benefit of drinking Kombucha, no matter if it's a daily habit or an occasional treat. Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that is chock full of probiotics, microorganisms that help your digestive system stay on track. Anyone who remembers their high school biology class knows that our guts are full of thousands of microorganisms that work together to ensure good digestion and overall health. However, sometimes the harmony of these microorganisms is off, which leads to digestive problems such as diarrhea and nausea.

While there are plenty of over-the-counter medications you can use to cure your stomach ailments, many choose to drink Kombucha as a natural solution.  Yet, this method is better for maintaining a healthy digestive system rather than trying to fix a gastrointestinal issue, so it's important to still consider conventional medications in times of need.

Carbonated Beverages Bad for Teeth?

There has been some talk about the effect of carbonated beverages on people's teeth and enamel, especially if they are drinking these beverages on a daily basis. However, it's important to separate these types of beverages into three categories: no sugar contained, moderate to low sugar level, and high sugar level.

First, there is no definitive study that shows drinking carbonated or sparkling water, which contains no sugar, has any negative effects on teeth or enamel. According to Healthline, "There is very little research on this topic, but one study found that sparkling mineral water damaged enamel only slightly more than still water." However, the data changes when there is a high sugar level. Healthline also states that "A review of several studies found that the combination of sugar and carbonation may lead to severe dental decay." Thus, it's clear that sugary carbonated drinks like Coke and other sodas do pose a risk to one's dental health, especially if they are consumed daily.

This data also affects Kombucha, which has a lower sugar content than sodas but a higher sugar content than sparkling water. Thus, it seems like Kombucha will have a small effect on one's teeth and enamel, but not anywhere as severe as drinking sodas. Still, this information is important to remember.

Great Alternative for the Soda Addict

Another great benefit of drinking Kombucha daily is that it is a great way to curb a soda addiction. Much like sodas, Kombucha contains the same great, fizzy taste that many soda lovers crave. However, the main difference between Kombucha and soda is that Kombucha contains far less sugar.

To give you an example, a 7.5oz serving of Coke contains 25 grams of sugar whereas an 8oz serving of GTS Kombucha contains 6 grams of sugar, which is almost two-thirds less than the Coke. This same logic applies to other sugary beverages such as Gatorade, Vitamin Water, and Powerade as these drinks are full of sugar, making Kombucha a great alternative to these sugary drinks.

So, if you're cutting down on the sugar while also trying to end your soda addiction, drinking Kombucha daily can be a great way to slowly wean yourself. It won't be fun, but it's a pleasant alternative to just trying to quit cold turkey.

Store-bought Kombucha can be Expensive

Store-bought Kombucha isn't cheap, which is not a surprise for those who have seen the prices in the grocery stores. A bottle of Kombucha around 300 to 500 ml will easily cost at least $3, and that's on the cheap end. It's not surprising to see bottles of Kombucha sell for $7 or even $10 at stores. Now, this isn't to say that paying for these Kombuchas aren't worth it as they are made with high-quality ingredients and care. However, buying these bottles to enjoy on a daily basis can put a beating on one's wallet.

Still, there's good news for those who want to continue drinking Kombucha daily but also want to save some money: brew your own. I know it may sound intimidating at first, but brewing you own Kombucha is simple and takes about a week from start to finish. There are hundreds of guides on the internet, such as this one, that can guide you through the whole process.

If you're interested in brewing you own Kombucha, please visit our shop page. We have starter kits, SCOBYS, and everything else you need to start brewing you own Kombucha.
